Royal Diadem

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Hidden Under The Shadow" by Mother Ann Wilson

"Hidden Under The Shadow"
By Evangelist Ann M.J. Wilson

Wanted Faithful Workers
Chapter 3

“I Thank Christ Jesus, our Lord, who hath enable me, in that he counted me faithful” I Timothy 1:12. If Jesus Christ had advertized for workers, the announcement or ad may have read something like this: “Men and Women wanted for difficult task of helping to build My church. You will often be misunderstood, even by those working with you, You will face constant attacks from an invisible enemy, you may not see the results of your labor, and your full reward will not come until all you work has been completed.” It may cost you your home, your ambition, even your very life! Yes, as a worker of God we have a noble and yet difficult task.

The Call to serve Christ is a call to a lifetime of sacrifice. Effective witnessing and serving the saints take time and effort. So then, we cannot feel or have the idea that we may be released form our duties just because the going seems to have gotten rough. We must continue on, with the help of our Lord and Savior until the sacrificing of ourselves as been completed.

Saints, these are hard times for all of us that are going to walk with the Lord. We must have a made up mind. There are times of discouragement, because you see so little fruit, from your service. But knowing that Christ counts us Faithful, when it is most difficult, and when others are looking at us. Let us make very sacrifice, that we may be accounted worthy. It is necessary for you an I to be faithful when trials and tribulations begin to weigh us down. It is easy to submit to God and His statutes, when we recognize Him as our Creator. KNOW YE THAT THE LORD, HE IS GOD: IT IS HE THAT HATH MADE US, AND NOT WE OURSELVES, WE ATE HIS PEOPLE, AND THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTOURE. Ps.100:3

God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts Is 55:8. Therefore, we must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God I Pet 5:6. Submit yourselves to work of God by having prayer life. He has called you faithful helpers for His work. You have answered the ad; resist the devil and he will flee from you. We can also submit ourselves to God by having a prayer life. “THE EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN AVAILETH MUCH” James 5:6. Then there is obedience, a life that is voluntarily surrendered and submitted to God, with the sole purpose of pleasing Him. When a person is broken in their spirit and is submissive, God then not only listens to our prayers, but He will speak to our hearts and relate His will, for our lives. Faithfulness is all he is asking, we are not saved to remain sinners, But to become Saints.

God does not save us in our sins, but from our sins! We are now hidden under the shadow, servants of righteousness Rom 6:17-18. We have a hope, It is Jesus, so let us humble ourselves, for if God humbles us, it will be rough. Let us learn humility, putting others first. Jesus being our example humbled himself and become obedient unto death on the cross. Because of His obedience, we are redeemed form the cursed of the law. He became a curse for us, that we may answer Him, by denying ourselves, picking up our crosses, and following Him daily. There is an old saying, “Actions speaks louder than words.” The Golden rule is: Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you.

You May say it does not work, it will, just wait on the Lord. He cannot lie. Knowing that we are living in these last days, and being aware, of the Saints, and the world coupled with the attitudes of people, let us keep our eyes on Jesus. We could avoid pitfalls if we would only take some advice from one that has been faithful, and has had more experience in walking with the Lord. God is Love. So then a great leader will disregard his own safety, and personal whims, and exercise right judgment for those he or she leads. I Pray, that all your leaders be clothed with faithfulness, and that you may realize, that we are, because He is, and that you may answer the ad, and say with a boldness, Yes Lord, I will die for you! A-MEN.

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