Royal Diadem

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Can It Be Done ?

It has been a while since I have place up a teaching of Mother Wilson.  Today I will place up chapter 10 “Can It Be Done” from the book called “Hidden Under the “Shadow.”

Can it be done? Controlling our thoughts, Casting down imaginations bringing into captivity every though, to the obedience of Christ. What we think about is important to our Character.  The scriptures says, FOR AS A MAN THINKETH IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE Prov.23:7. Don’t let your thoughts become warped by not being able to control them.  Sometimes we, just as Peter, being totally distraught within ourselves lose sight of our Faith.

Thoughts can destroy your mind and be damaging to others, if you constantly dwell on your indignation.  Peter who truly believed with all His heart that he would not be the one deny His Lord, and it was his own indignation, at what he had done that led him on a downward plummet, landing him back to what he knew before as the world, he returned to Fishing, John 21:3. He could not be a help to himself or any other. For the time has come, the judgment must begin at the House of God, and if it first begins in us, what shall the end be to them that obey not the Gospel of Go. “THE EYES OF THE LORD ARE IN EVERY PLACE BEHOLDING THE EVIL AND THE GOOD” Prov. 28:13.  There is nothing we do that escapes God’s attention. A permanent record is being kept of each deed. That is why we must learn to control our thoughts.  “HE THAT COERETH HIS SINS SHALL NOT PROSPER, BUT WHOSO CONFESSEST AND FORSAKETH THEM SHALL HAVE MERCY Prov. 28:13.

If we only believe, it can be done, we can walk upright before the Lord, We can do good to others, we can forgive and forget, starting firs within ourselves.  It is certain that judgment is coming for every human being, and God is looking for someone to stand up and warn the people. It is praying time for all of us.  BE NOT DECEIVED, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP,  FOR HE THAT SOWETH  TO HIS FLESH, SHALL  OF  THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION, BUT  HE THAT SOWETH THE SPIRIT, SHALL  OF THE SPIRIT REAP EVERLASTING LIFE” Gal 6:7-8.

Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap. If we faint not. Don’t give up, it can be done.  Every one of us will stand before God. Judgment will be based upon the things either good or bad that we have done in this body.  The wicked and unrepentant may make a mockery of sin now, but no one will be laughing in that day. THERE WILL BE WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH” Matt. 8:12. Judgment begins in the house of the God.  This is where we are judged by the Word of God.  This is why I say Let us go on, not looking back, if it cannot be of any help to others.  The first way in which God judges us saints, is through preaching. As we begin to read and meditate, the Words begin to reveal, and judge our lives right then. Whom God loves He will chasten. In our hearts, we want to please God and it can be done, so let us not refuse to respond to the Word of God. He loves every one of us and knows that we do not want to fail Him in any way, whether it be in or minds, our walk or our talk.  All of us want to be strong; we want to be able to stand on our own two feet, and cope with life, and to be free of fear and dependency.

However, none of us desires to be alone. As a result, we look for others who are with God to help us in our experience and situations.  This of course is all well and good, but God always with us, for God is the very life in which we live.

God’s spirit is in us gives us the strength, the courage and the will, as well as faith, to refuse to be drowned by our circumstance.  We are on our own but we are not alone, for God is always with us. Just as a child we must have the determination to struggle on.   And  just as our parents and loved ones could only pray, wishing that they could take the step for us, they watched as we struggled within ourselves to get it right.  All they could do was encourage us, praise us rejoice in our progress.  It is within ourselves that we became independent and took that step, and with the first step many began to follow and our journey began.

I am trying to get you to see and understand that sometimes we may feel like an infant struggling to get to our feet, trying to take the needed steps that will bring us out of our weakness and dependency, into a new rewarding and fulfilling way of life.  It can be done! It is all in the mind. But let us have the mind of Christ; Let us speak faith, love and joy.  Every word has with us, the power to make manifest whatsoever we need, Just ask Jesus to help you walk in the newness of life.  I am centered and poised in the Mind of Christ, and nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.  Now by this we are able to say that God is at work in me. His wisdom guides my path, I  release all my cares, I am trusting in Him, to work in  me and through me, taking over all  of my affairs.

The coming of the Lord is at hand, God is getting His people together. Let Him work in your life today.  FOR TODAY IF YOU HEAR MY VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEART” Ps. 95:7-8. Your Mind is just as a child, if it falls, just pick it back up and put it on the right path, and hide yourself under the Shadow of the Almighty. A-MEN.

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