Royal Diadem

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It is a Trick and You are the Treat! - Mormonism

Description, of this weeks teaching on
“A Morning Cup of the Word!”
October 15-19, 2012

Our Topic, this week we will be talking about, why a Christian should not be dabbling in the Occult and Celebrating Halloween.

In addition, I will tell you what makes the “Mormon Religion” an Occult and why a Christian should not support this type of religion.

This week I will explain to you all the different ways the devil tries to trick us, in order to treat on us and on all we have and love. The first “Trick or Treat” was in the “Garden of Eden.” You will learn in this teaching, why it is so important to have blind faith in G-d, and not to question the Word of G-d or allow anyone to re-define what the Word of G-d means. The Mormon Church does this; the Mormon religious redefines the Bible and gives you a different book to trick you to believe that they are Christians. It is a “trick” what they are trying to get you to believe, you and this nation is the “treat.”

The listener will learn what certain words mean in the Bible. For example, what the Word “beguile” means,” it means to be “trick”. You will learn what the word, “fruit” means, and what the word “god,” with the little “g” means. You will also learn that “death” is always associated with the “trick” of any occult religion.

It is so imported, especially during this election season, that Romney is not elected, because Mormonism base their religious doctrine, on hidden rituals and the mind-set that the “dead” can be made right with G-d after one has gone to the grave which is a direct re-defining of the Word of G-d. They do this by having some one to be baptized for them once they are dead. This occult ritual is call, “Baptismal by proxy for the dead.” This is what makes this religion an occult, because it is fixated on the “DEAD!”

Mormons who practice proxy baptism, a living being, man or woman must be baptized for one who is deceased. Baptism by proxy usually involves, on the part of the person practicing this profession of faith, the responsibility of elaborate keeping of ancestry records; IF they want all their deceased relatives to be saved. They believe dead people, who are in their graves, can be saved and received salvation. Big contradiction of the Word of G-d, trying to turn you, with this knowledge, “god’s” with a little “g” who have been consigned to HELL! Wake UP and Smell the Coffee!

Acts 2: 38-41 King James Version
38. Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
40. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.
41. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
42. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 8: 26-40; Rom. 6, etc., these are scriptures that support each other that shows us, in order to be saved you must be baptizes while warm blood flows through your vein, and you will be filled with the Holy Ghost. G-d is the G-d of the living and not the dead. A Mormon cannot be pro-life he is only pro-death. This is death style religion.

This will be some of the topics; I will be talking about, this week, along with Genesis chapter 3, on a “Morning Cup of the Word.” I come on Live on or you can listen to me on
Our Series “It is a Trick and You Are The Treat!”

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It is a Trick and You are the Treat!

The Bible states that the Believers in Christ Jesus must judge all things and yet not be a judge of the person. However, we must judge or assess the quality of something and estimate it’s probabilities to do us either good or harm.

How do we do this? By examining our environment and having enough knowledge of the Word of G-d to examining every situation and every belief system accordingly to the Word of G-d. However, we are finding and we are seeing that the many today, who are claiming to be Christians, are denying and redefining the Word of G-d, so they can compromise and be popular with their Face Book Friends in this social media society where everyone wants to be like, even if what they are agreeing to is Biblically wrong. “It is a Trick and you are the Treat!

The Bible states that “traditions” of men make the Word of G-d non effect. Mark 7:13 King James Version
13. Making the word of God of no effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such things do you.

Traditions means a long – established action or pattern of behavior, in a community or group of people, often one that has been handed down that is valued by a culture and not necessarily valued by G-d.

It is a know fact history shows us this that a country, a society, and an individual can be living wrong all their lives and not know it nor want to come out of it. Salvations believe it or not, do have conditions to the promises that are given by G-d. You can not do just want you want to do, that would strip G-d of His Sovereignty.

The Bible tells us this
I Corinthians 6:14 King James Version
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

We are not to be contaminated by what we eat spiritually.
Halloween is not a celebration of an unbeliever; Halloween is a celebration of the anti-believer, which is worse.

In other words what people say, is more important to today’s then what Christ Jesus says in His Word. It is a Trick and you are the Treat.

Now notice the word “subtil” or “subtle” this word means to be clever, cunning, sly, devious, crafty and shrewd. The serpent was created by G-d and he was a beast, aggressive, cruel, difficult and unpleasant. “Beast” also means an animal, especially a large four-footed animal for example a mammal. G-d is not just saying that the serpent was an animal G-d is also showing us just with the beast what type of animal the serpent is.

Also, let us look at the word “trick”! The word “trick” means to display cunning deception, with intend to cheat or deceive. This is what the Serpent did to Eve. He deliberately intended to cheat and deceive Eve, she fail for the trick and she became the treat! The Bible lets us know that Satan was very “subtil” of the entire “beast” population that G-d had created. The Serpent was very skilful in the act of “tricking” people. Eve even told G-d, “the serpent beguile me, I therefore eat.” The word “beguile” means to charm someone. The word “beguile” also means to mislead or deceive somebody out of something.

If it is not in the Word of G-d then it is a trick and you are the treat, don’t do it!

2. And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

She is saying we may consume, which means to take into mouth as food and swallow it, the fruit from the trees of the garden. How the word “eat” in a figurative fashion can also meant to consume or digest information, knowledge. To eat means to engross somebody, it is a transitive verb. A transitive verb is a verb which is transitive when the action is carried across to a receiver:

The receiver is called the direct object, Eve is the receiver, she is the direct object, and the trick is being applied to her, to get her to eat, receive. She is eating with her mind; the Serpent has her full attention. She wants to be wise as “gods” to “eat” therefore we see that to “eat” also means to take information into ones mind. In this sense she is “consuming”, and being “consumed” to eat also means to have new desires, new experiences. Is not this, what the Serpent was promising Eve? Thereby, the word “eat” is a synonymous with the word “consume” they both have the same meaning. The word “consume” is also a transitive verb that means to destroy something or somebody completely. It was a “trick” and Eve was the “treat.” She thought she was eating; however, it was Satan who was consuming her, when she began to listen to him. It is a Trick and you are the Treat!