Royal Diadem

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



We are going to talk about cows and what are cows? Cows are herbivore plant eating animals. Another name for a plant eating animal is the word “ruminant” (Roo ma nant) which is any animal of a variety of hoofed, usually horned mammals, such as cattle, sheep, and deer, meaning having divided stomach and chewing a cud. Now you are properly wondering why I am talking about cows, just be patient I will soon show you. Ruminant is an even toed animal that regurgitates and masticates its food after swallowing. Most of these animals have four stomachs and you are properly wondering why I am still talking about cows, give me a chance to explain.

What I am taking about regurgitates, and masticating of food from these animals is because I am always saying as in the natural realm so it is in the spiritual realm, so I am going to use these animals to share with you how you should study the Word of God, or anything for that matter. To be come a great teacher of the Word of God, you must masticate and regurgitate the Word of God in order to bring forth the sincere milk of the Word of God for the babes in Christ.

1 Peter 2:2 King James Version
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby:

Mothers have to be careful what their babies drink, especially right after birth, mothers must give their babies sterile milk, milk that has no germs, and no bacteria, breast milk is the best type of milk to give a baby, in order for that baby to grow and be able to fight off diseases, because the immunities of the mother is in the breast milk of the mother. As in the spiritual realm so it is in the natural realm. A pastor must give a message to the church or babes in Christ that is pure and sterile no bacterial in the milk.

Again, cows are called “herbivore” because they have to digest the cellulose which is a tough plants material. However, herbivores show many adjustments; they are animals that are built physically for ingestion and digestion of plant food. A man or woman of God should be build for the ingestion and digestion of the Word of God; therefore they are able to give to the babes in Christ the pure Word of God.

However, cows and sheep possess a four-chambered stomach housing microorganisms that is able to break down the cellulose into a more digestible form, obtaining food and shelter in the stomach in return. In other words the cow or sheep will keep chewing and chewing and chewing until the plant is digestible for the babies. In addition, what ever the mother eats it will be in her milk.

Now I want you to understand this ok, most herbivores eat a variety of plants, but some herbivores are restricted to only one type of plant food and known as mono phagous herbivores. There are a lot of preachers and teachers that get their information about God from a lot of different sources, however, the minister of God must get his or her information from only one source that is the word of God and the word of God only and it must come from their own breast milk.

Evangelist Debra Tate

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