Royal Diadem

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hidden Under The “Shadow” Chapter 9 For This We Have Jesus

It has been quite some time since I have place up a posting up on one of   Mother Wilson teachings from her book called, “Hidden Under the Shadow.”  Mother Wilson wrote this book in 1993 and she placed the book in my hands November 11, 1994. Within the little stable little white booklet, that she was so proud of was a personal message, handwritten, inside of the book for me.   Little did we know that when she gave me the booklet that God would use me to place her message on the internet because internet had not yet became a way of life.  Mother Wilson just knew that God would extend her ministry and that she would reach a large group of people for Him.  I remember her telling me every time I would visit her in that storefront.  Mother Wilson would constantly in a faithful manner, confess to me that God was going to use her to reach a large amount of people for Jesus Christ,   Guess what? God used me to help Him keep His promise to her. 

Please read Mother Wilson message.  Thank you Pastor Tate.

Hebrew 11:13 King James Version
13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.  

Hidden Under The “Shadow”
Chapter 9
For This We Have Jesus

When impossible things become possible, they are made possible through the power of faith. In Mark 9:23, Jesus said unto him: IF THOU CANST BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT BELIEVETH.” This includes us as well, there are some things that are beyond human power.  But Divine Power can bring them to pass.  He is our Lord and Christ and there is not a person on the face of the fill himself with God’s Spirit.  His Grace give freely to those who ask Him in faith.  Faith is the Key, required to walk a strong walk with God.

Jesus can satisfy the deepest longing and answer the deepest question in our lives.  Some may say, I have Faith, but nevertheless God knows our hearts, and when He see fit, He will give us what we need, read Luke 18:18-30.  One of the Great teachings of the Bible is that a person cannot save Himself without God.  A man cannot by food works, earn salvation, nor by sacrificing himself.  Salvation comes from God’s Graces as a gift to man in response to his or her faith in God, and obedience to His Word.  It is in our Fears, that we believe God won’t do it, or beliefs in what others might say, or could it possibly be the fact that we just don’t have the faith to believe.  We must be Mountain Movers.  We can become confused as to what God wants us to say or do, or whether He wants us to give up all our possessions to be saved, or just simply have faith.  When He sees we are confused, He answers to all of us in Mark 10:27. WITH MEN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT NOT WITH GOD, FOR WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.”

It is time, that we as children of God, come face to face with ourselves, and stand up and act upon what God has given us in His Word.  Mark 11:23-24.   This includes living by the Word.  I myself have to say: “I can have anything if I just believe.” Don’t limit God.  Let us stand firm on the Word of God.  We all need Power beyond ourselves.  This power comes from prayer.  Although we may utter words, and sincerely plea from our Hearts, the answer to our prayers come, only from God.  Don’t look at the mountain, look at Jesus, don’t look at the circumstances, look at Jesus, Let us keep our eyes steadfast on the Lord. We need to walk on Spiritual waters as Peter did, Matthew 14:28.  I can guarantee, that you will have the thrill of your lifetime because this will allow God to do what He wants to do.  I am just waiting to see all He is going to do for us.  There is no power on earth, no demon in hell that can stop Him.  Yes, our faith, and you have faith, the waves cannot override us.  We can make it, walking on Spiritual waters, if we but simply keep our eyes on Jesus. 

Jesus has said in His word: everyone that hath forsaken houses, brethren, sister, father, mother, wife, children, or land, for My sake: shall receive a hundred-fold, and shall receive everlasting life, Matthew 19:29.  In other words, what He has prepared for the faithful ones is so great, that we cannot compare it to anything we could ever sacrifice, for God in this life.   We have to come as a little child. He is our Father, tell Him you have need of more faith.  God has promised to those who will live for Him, an unending life of bliss; Impossible with man, But with God, all thins are possible to him that believes.   “BECAUSE THOU HAST MADE THE LORD, WHICH IS MY REFUGE, EVEN THE MOST HIGh THY HABITATION; THERE SHALL NOT EVIL BEFALL THEEE, NEITHER SHALL ANY PLAGUE COME NIGH THY DWELLING.  FOR HE SHALL GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER THEE, TO KEEP THEE IN ALL THEY WAYS.  Ps.91:9-11. Walk while it is yet called daylight, for when the night falls NO man can see.  I pray, that before the sun set you will find your place Hidden Under the Shadow of the Almighty  A-MEN.