Trivial Question
Question: How long did Jesus tell thee disciples they
should have watched and prayed, when they were at the Garden of Gethsemane ?
Answer: One (1) Hour Matthew 26:40
40 And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth
them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?
Mother is a Wife and a Wife is a Mother
A mother is a person who carries and gives
birth to a child, then that mother then cares for that child. She must nurture
the child as the child grows into adulthood. A mother is a wife; she is the
female marriage partner. In reality,
this is what a wife is supposed to be, she is to have the role of a mother. She
is to love, support her husband, and their children. In addition, sexually
satisfied her husband and most of all have children. Be fruitful and multiply
in the earth. There was a tremendous shame, disgrace, and
dishonor that were place on a woman’s reputation, which was not able to have
children within the community in which the woman lived in. It is not that way today, the role of the
mother has been perverted for the most part, the role of the mother has been
strip and now you have mothers who have lost their natural affections.
We will start out talking about Sari.
16:1-4 King James Version
1. Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children:
and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.
2. And
Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the Lord hath restrained me from bearing: I
pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And
Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.
3. And
Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten
years in the land
of Canaan , and gave her
to her husband Abram to be his wife.
4. And
he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had
conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.
Genesis, which means “beginnings,” the Bible talks of Sarai, being barren, and
she gives Hagar to Abram “to wife.” Remember what our topic is about. “A wife is a mother and a mother is a wife.”
find that children always represents, newest of life. Children and their new beginning it is the
only immortality on this earth that a man or woman has. The word “barren” in this portion of
scriptures means incapable of sustaining life; ("the dead and barren
Moon"). The moon has no trees, no water, and no oxygen. Therefore, the moon cannot bring forth life
or even sustain life. This is what is
what the Bible is saying when the Bible talks about a woman who is “barren.” Barren
also means providing no shelter or sustenance. Sustenance meaning that what
needs to be eaten to sustain a person's body; food, esp. food containing the
required vitamins and energy is not there.
“barren” can also mean not having financial means whereby one lives. To be “barren” means to be completely
wanting or lacking. However, for the
most part when most of us heard the word “barren” in the Bible we just think of
a woman who cannot have children or off springs. Little do we know that our physical condition
is usually a reflection of what is going on with us spiritually. Sad thing about today’s society is; we are
choosing to be barren.
“barren” can also mean not having financial means whereby one lives. To be “barren” means to be completely
wanting or lacking. However, for the
most part when most of us heard the word “barren” in the Bible we just think of
a woman who cannot have children or off springs. Little do we know that our physical condition
is usually a reflection of what is going on with us spiritually. Sad thing about today’s society is; we are
choosing to be barren.
when a woman gives life she must not only give the life, but sustain the life
until it is of age and able to sustain the life itself This is what we teach
our children as the grow into teens, this is why it is such a tragedy when we
see young people giving birth to a baby, because we know unless the parents of
the teens intervenes the life of the baby will not be able to be sustain in a
proper way in which the baby can grow up and bring forth healthy fruit in his
or her life.
I have often watch some of these talk shows host, who makes tons of money in
exploiting the lives of some of these young men, and women who come on their
show. For example, Steve Wilkos who is a break
off of Jerry Springer show, a person who I think has done a lot of harm in the
long run to our society. These producers
get these young women and men on their stage and bad mouth, scream at them and
humiliate them, to me they are ignorant because, for the most part the reason
these people are not good parents is because, they have had parents that were
verbally abusive to them when they were children. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. We can learn from the Bible how to raise our children and how to be a mother and wife.
parents some, were molested and rape as children, they too saw a lot of drugs and
alcohol use in the family. They are
truly the product of their environment.
If you know what the definition of a mother is then “Steve,” you would
not be yelling at them telling them to get the “hell” off of your stage.
host of these show that are not professional in helping people, in themselves need help. There behavior is much like the parents that these people who
are doing all this weird stuff came out from or was raise in is and that is why
they are mess up trying to nurture children. You don't grow up just being a
good parent; you are taught how to parent by your parents.
People reacting to poor parenting parents in
this manner is not helping the children or the parent, in fact it is making the
situation worse. Remember a mother is a person who carries and
gives birth to a child, then that mother cares for that child. What does it mean to care for a child 1)
care, charge, protection, guardianship -- (attention and management implying
responsibility for safety; like how a bodyguard or secret service protects
President Obama. This is what a mother
does, however, if you are grown and you make it to adulthood with no parental
protection, you figure in the subconscious of your mind that your child will
make it too. Those parenting skills are passed on. Therefore, Steve you need to
get off of the stage with all that yelling, this is why they are mess up. To be a mother and a wife you must go to the Bible to get the answers you will need to make it.
Pastor Tate