Royal Diadem

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chapter 7 JESUS IS OUR JUDGE Mother Ann Wilson

Chapter 7
Mother Ann Wilson

Men will be judge, not by the words of man alone, but by the perfect, absolute Truth of God Himself, not only actions, but motives, desires, thoughts and the secrets of the Heart will be judged.  There is coming, and even is now, is a judgment presided over, by the Judge of all the earth, Gen. 18:25.  This judge is none other than Jesus Christ; His Gospel is the law that will determine each of our cases.  The Courts of our land are established to deal with various types of cases.  The Court of our land are established to deal with various types of cases.  They range from Traffic Court, through Small Claim and Civil Court for the criminal.  In these Courts then are various types of evidence, circumstantial, factual, eyewitness and confession. Man’s judgment can be and general is default, But with God, judgment is right, true, and absolute, because He knows the Heart.  The law of sin is always present in the life of every individual.  There is the continuing experience of temptation, which becomes a life and death struggle with evil.  And in our hearts we want to please the Lord in everything we say or do. And most times we are misunderstood - but God is our Judge. 

Paul found himself in despair, when dealing with the failure of flesh, When he thought of the workings of sin, and the inherit weakness of the flesh, He cried out “O WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM, WHO SHALL DELIVER ME FROM THE BODY OF DEATH?”  We all have felt chained to a corpse we could not rid ourselves from, But as Paul quickly got his thinking together, we too must also do.   I Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord, in other words our Judge. We must know that victory will be ours, not by our own strength, but through the power of the Holy Ghost in our lives.  So Let us test ourselves and see if the Spirit of God dwells in us, then we are not longer in “The Flesh.”  Every person must face a judgment at some point, and it depends on eternity, being with the Lord or facing death. For the Church, Judgment will be a joyous thing.  The judge of the enemies of our souls will be thrown out of Court, as we are Justified by the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, others  will not  of course fare so well judgment, due to their wickedness and rebellion, while Saints will leave judgment rejoicing.  Those who have not obeyed the Lord, will depart in tears and torment.  You will not be able to say, Lord if this had not happened, or that had not happened.

Let Jesus be final judge of all things, He is well qualified to sit in judgment of every case, which is brought before Him.  If someone has wronged you, God knows, And know this, there is forgiveness of our mistakes, God loves us, and He cares for us, He knows our weaknesses.  No innocent person shall find themselves wrongly punished.  He alone can weigh all factors that are involved, So let us not judge anymore, Be let us do a great work for the Lord.  It can all look to each other, we can all find something wrong, with all of us.  Be not afraid, and hide your Talent in the earth, because the time has come when we want to hear The Lord say:  “WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL OVER A FEW THINGS, I WILL MAKE THEE RULER OVER MANY, ENTER THOU INOT THE JOY OF THE LORD” Matt.25:21. Saints, let us Love one another, Be kind one to another. Someone may not be what you would like them to be, Prayer, changes things and God is our Judge. For the Saints of the most High God, the verdict will be “WELL DONE.” Somewhere deep inside, we want to be loved, but most of all we want the love of God, in our life. May God Bless you all, pray for me because I mean to make it, by the Grace of God, My soon coming King. A-MEN!